Freedom Ministry is designed to equip you spiritually as you walk through the trials, temptations and turbulence of life. It is a gateway for Christ followers to receive healing and deliverance from the grip of the enemy. We focus on educating believers about who God is, who Satan is and who you are in Christ. We define freedom as the ability to draw near to God, experience His love, respond to others and life in a Christ-like manner.
The Freedom Orientation is a brief overview of freedom ministry. You will learn in-depth about the individual freedom sessions and have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have about freedom. Orientations are offered multiple times a year. To register for the upcoming orientation click on the button below.
Freedom Classes are designed to open your eyes to spiritual warfare. Freedom Classes will also empower you to pray bold prayers to remove any oppression from the enemy you may be experiencing. Classes are offered multiple times a year. Class topics include: forgiveness, soul ties, generational rights, vows, curses, the occult, willful sin, lies we believe, our authority & power in Christ, the armor of God, and much more. To register for the upcoming class click on the button below.
Individual Freedom Sessions are times of prayer where one person will be scheduled to meet with a team of 2-5 highly trained prayer warriors where you can expect to experience God’s love and grace. These dedicated times of prayer focus on leading believers through inner healing and deliverance prayers. Individual Freedom Sessions are scheduled on different days throughout the year. To register for an individual freedom session please click the button below.
Mike Wilberding
Jenny Longfellow
Michelle Burch